coaching Typical themes for a coaching programme
Onboarding a new Colleague
- What are the priorities, the new role and goals
- Who are the most important stakeholders and their expectations
- Leaving the old behind and taking valuable lessons learnt with you
- Understanding the new culture
- Planning: What, how, with whom and when
Clear Leadership
- Efficient cooperation
- Interaction skills, efficient communications
- Coaching in leadership
- Leading change
- Role, competences, strengths, development areas
- Emotional intelligence, self leadership, stress
- Prioritising, delegating, planning
- Challenging situations
Self-insight and Drive
- Awareness of self and others
- Managing self
- Strong relationships
- Emotional intelligence
- Role and most important goals
- Prioritising and time management
- Purpose of the work and own values
Increase Engagement
- Focus on well-being for increased performance, creativity and collaboration
- Purpose of work and values
- Stress symptoms
- Decreasing motivation
- Challenges in performance
- Work-life balance
- Challenging situations
Develop Talent
- Career options, new responsibilities, internal career
- Taking responsibility for developing competences, motivation and well-being
- Challenges in performance or in motivation
- Supporting talents’ career development and retaining them
Managing through Change
- What changes, what doesn’t
- What does the change mean to the employee or manager?
- Understanding and acceptance of change - as well as commitment
- Managing different reactions
- Goal setting and planning how to achieve the goals
- Effective communication
- Driving change
- Different stakeholders and cooperation
- Clarifying own goal
The Difficult Dialogue
- Difficult dialogues with colleagues, employees or customers
- Conflicts, challenges in cooperation
- Challenges in performance or decreased motivation
- Disagreement in expectations, common goals or priorities
Strategy into Action
- Shared view of the future
- What does it mean for the employee or manager in their role and what they do
- Planning implementation
- Engaging others and cooperation
- Efficient communication
Special Situations
- Special needs of the client or coachee
- A programme with a fixed agreed duration or number of meetings
- Preparing for a challenging situation or clarifying own thinking on a chosen topic
- Follow-up meeting after a coaching process e.g., 3 months afterwards