Understand and interpret the results from your well-being survey

Here, you'll receive assistance in interpreting and understanding the results of the well-being survey. Start by watching the video below, which demonstrates how to access the report and walk you through its structure step by step.

Understand the 4 well-being categories

EVI consists of 15 questions divided into four well-being categories that collectively provide an overview of an employee's well-being. Some companies have more questions.

Here, we will go through the four categories and provide you with an understanding of what a low score might indicate - and what you can do as a leader.

read more here

The background of the EVI well-being survey

How is the measurement composed, weighted, and anonymized?


I have received the report, what now?

This is how you get started with dealing with the results - both the high and low ones.


Low scores on leadership and collaboration?

Listen to the advice of the organizational psychologist and get a 5-step guide that helps you address a follow-up, which can be challenging and sensitive for both you and your employees.

see the guide

Need leadership guidance?

Consultation with an AS3 leadership consultant is included in your company's subscription to the EVI well-being survey. Write directly to Trivselsraadgiver@as3.dk - and we'll call you back.

send an email