Get started with your EVI well-being survey

On this page, you'll find guidance and inspiration to get started with the well-being survey in your organization or department. Below, you can watch videos, read articles, or contact us for leadership consultation.

We recommend you begin by watching the introduction video below, where our leadership consultant goes through the 15 well-being questions in EVI. Our consultant also introduces you to the online platform where your employees can work on their well-being.

Your leadership task before the survey

Get useful advice and a series of reflection questions that can give you and your team a good start to the well-being survey.


The four well-being categories in EVI

EVI consists of 15 questions divided into four overarching well-being categories, which together paint a picture of an employee's well-being. Some companies have more questions.


Well-being is a shared responsibility

Both the individual, the group, the leadership, and the organization bear the responsibility for well-being in the workplace. Read more and learn about the different types of roles and distribution of responsibility for well-being.

Reed more here

Need leadership guidance?

Consultation with an AS3 leadership consultant is included in your company's subscription to the EVI well-being survey. Write directly to - and we'll call you back

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